How to Get a Job Right Out of College

by Jobs360 | Feb 26, 2020 | Job search tips
How to Get a Job Right Out of College

As a fresh graduate looking for your first big opportunity, it’s not an easy task to land a job as soon as you receive your diploma. Fact is many young and aspiring professionals struggle to land an opportunity for different reasons. 

For most, their inexperience becomes a hindrance as many companies look for professionals with a minimum of 1 to 2 years of professional experience. For others, it’s a problem between not really knowing which job opportunity to pursue. 

In addition to that, a number of fresh graduates aren’t equipped with enough information to help them get a job opportunity right out of college. Here’s a handful of tips to make the transition easier for you!

getting a job right after graduation

5 Helpful Tips To Land a Job Right Out of College

1. Take advantage of career counseling

Many students fail to recognise the importance of meeting with career counsellors during their scholastic years. However, one great thing about your alma maters is that their doors are open for you even after you graduate. 

One way to take advantage of this opportunity in your first year as a fresh grad aspiring to make it big is to schedule a meeting with your career counsellor. Discuss your plans and goals and hear how they can help you prepare for your future. 

Provide them with the link to some of the job posts you’ve taken interest in. Have them help you proofread and improve your CV, portfolio, and cover letter. They can assist and help you refocus your energy to the job offers that require your skills and such.

attend networking events

2. Network early and often

Forget about selling yourself in front of people for the meantime. Learn the art of networking with professionals and leaders that may help you shape your future. 

Networking is an art best learned early. It teaches young professionals to forge genuine relationships with the other people surrounding them. However, the question is when is the best time to network and where? 

The opportunity to grow your network is within your reach daily. Create meaningful relationships with the people you meet because you may never know who they can be in the future. Attend seminars, networking events, and business functions.

Networking tips for practical professionals:

  • Grow your network through the people have strong relationships with
  • Join communities related and within your field of focus
  • Invest in business cards (or a personal one if you’re still unemployed)
  • Take time to learn about your industry and line of work to contribute to topics flawlessly
  • Know more about the people you meet instead of talking more about yourself
  • Learn to read body language to get out of uncomfortable conversations
  • Always be true to yourself and don’t compromise your integrity
  • Be open to meeting different people from all walks of life
writing professional CV

3. Write a professional CV

Many young professionals are under the impression of not including everything in your CV is the most important move to shape their careers. This is completely untrue. As a fresh graduate, it’s important for you to include every professional experience you had during your scholastic years.

Here’s a handful tip when writing a professional CV for the first time:

Provide complete contact information. This section requires you to include your full name, home address, mobile number, and personal email address.

2. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Your LinkedIn profile is your professional online resume which is why it’s important to include this link as well.

3. Use a professional photo. Make sure to have your picture taken by a professional and that the image you are using is taken recently, 2 years at the latest.

4. Write a career objective. The key to writing an excellent objective is to start with stating 3 skills you believe is relevant to the position you’re applying for. Then add how you are planning to help the company grow in your position. An additional note is to keep this section 30-50 words short.

5. Include your educational background. This is an important factor in writing a CV. It doesn’t matter if you are an undergrad, just list down your educational attainments 

6. Enumerate your professional experiences. Include every experience you’ve had — internship, volunteering experience, and such.

7. Include your thesis. This is a practice many new graduates aren’t aware of. Including your thesis helps your future employer determine the values you have in terms of ensuring you complete this project.

8. List your skills and expertise. Always include the skills you honed in your scholastic years, internships, and volunteering programs.

9. Handpick references. Choose the professionals who know the work that you did in your internship, thesis, and other professional experiences.

create linkedin account

4. Create a LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is a platform built for business owners and professionals. Its main objective is to connect professionals with other professionals who share the same interest, values, and line of work. 

Fresh graduates like you can take advantage of this and network with multiple experts who you can follow and speak with online. Seeking mentorship and advice when starting in the industry is the best way to use this specific platform. 

However, note that creating isn’t enough. Take the necessary steps to optimise your LinkedIn profile and get noticed by recruiters and professionals out there.

5. Take an Internship program

The biggest step fresh grads can take towards reaching their dreams is taking an internship program. Many companies look for interns as it’s more beneficial for both parties committing into the program.

Top 3 benefits of applying as an intern: 

1. You gain insight into what’s it like to work in a professional environment. 

2.You learn new things for free. 

3. You have a higher chance of being absorbed as a full-time employee compared to applicants with less experience. 

Never take opportunities like this for granted. Many successful professionals started as interns and paved their ways into the experts they are right now. Take this chance to learn and improve yourself in becoming one of the professionals many fresh graduates can aspire to be. 

These are tips helpful into taking matters at your own hand. No job search is a breeze. A lot of professionals has gone through difficult times in landing their first job. The most important thing is to not give up and shake off the pressure you are feeling no matter how long have you been unemployed. 

Opportunities arise again and again. Make every moment count and find the confidence within you to go for the job that fits your experience and skills.

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