Your first impression as a jobseeker is how you present yourself in your resume. As a qualified candidate, your first impression will be how you carry yourself well before, during, and after the job interview. As a newly hired employee, your attitude and eagerness to contribute on your first day at will leave a lasting impression to your colleagues and bosses. Impressions last and carry on which is why it’s always important to make a good one.
Never underestimate the impact your clothing will have on your first day. The way you dress and carry yourself will leave a lasting impression with your colleagues and bosses. These days, there are three dress codes employees are expected to follow: business professional, casual, or business casual.
Business Professional means wearing very formal business attire to work which is typically followed by traditional industries such as banking or financial services.
Casual dress code is mostly implemented in companies such as the BPO industry while business casual is a dress down from formal business attires mostly seen in engineering and accounting establishments. A casual look refers to jeans and casual shirts as business casual refers to dress shirts and slightly formal pants.
Before coming to work, confirm the dress code followed by the company.
Always be punctual. The rule is to always arrive on time, or early, and be prepared to stay a little longer when necessary. Companies have different cultures and there are workers who have to stay a little longer to finish specific tasks.
To make a good impression at work, it’s best to stay with your team and help until you all have to go. This will show that you are being considerate and thoughtful of your colleagues.
Introducing yourself will be one of the main things that will leave a lasting impression with your coworkers and boss. Prepare a quick elevator pitch that will give them a brief description of your professional history. You can also add the role you will be playing in the company as many of your coworkers will only have a vague idea of what your tasks and goals in the office will be.
Having to remember names can be a daunting task especially if you’re the type of person who’s really bad with names. One good tip to keep in mind is taking notes of their names on your own time and adding a few descriptions about the person. You can also add notes about the things you’ve learned about them.
Be ready to be winded down with multiple things on your first day at work. To make a good impression at your job, get and remain organised. This will also help you efficiently work in the following months and years that you’ll be spending in the company.
The main objective new hires must remember is to absorb most of the things being discussed, if not all, on your first day at work. The correct listening formula is 90% listening and 10% talking.
When do you talk? Talk when you have questions and concerns regarding your tasks. Always seek assistance when you have questions especially if you know it’s something you can’t fix.
Enquiries are always welcome during your first few days to weeks at work. Don’t hesitate to speak to your officemate and make time to learn the workarounds of your job.
Always have a pen and paper ready during training and induction. These activities on your first day will help you adjust faster at work and learn the role you’ll be playing in the company.
Your first day will be more about introducing your workload to you and mostly that. The first day is the only opportunity and day employees are allowed to slack off a little bit. However, to make a good impression at your new job, start to slowly get yourself familiarise with the work you’ll be taking over for the next months to years.
Your first day at work must be the most exciting day in your professional career. Don’t spend the day getting nervous and jittery for the wrong reasons. Come to work carrying a pleasant attitude with you.
To guarantee that, get a good night’s rest and have a hearty breakfast. A well-rested mind and a full stomach is the right combination that will put anyone in a great mood.
Spend your time wisely when at work. During break times, spend your free time getting to know your officemates professional even personally. The time you spend with your colleagues increases your bonding, building rapport that later turns into a great working relationship.
After-office hours activities are the best time to learn more about your coworkers at a personal level. As many say and believe, you only get to know your officemate better outside of work.
Gossiping is an activity many professionals partake in while others simply avoid it. Though there’s plenty of time in the future to take part in such activity, it’s still best to steer clear of them. Gossip will only divide employees within a company; there’s no benefit to doing it.
Many bosses understand that employees have to sometimes attend to personal matters, especially during an emergency. However, several employees use this excuse to abuse such generosity.
What do employees consider an emergency?
If there’s one thing that you should absolutely do at work, it is to not disturb your coworkers incessantly for no good reasons. Many employees discourage unnecessary chats as their flow of work gets disrupted.
Being a new employee is a challenging and exciting time in your employment. Don’t worry about making a perfect impression, just a good one, as no employee ever achieved a perfect score!
Take your time to learn the ropes of your job and just be yourself. Keep things at a professional distance and learn to take a joke as your seniors will lightly make fun of you to better connect with you. Cheers to having a wonderful time on your first day at work and the days to come!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
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