Modern Day Slavery Statement

ShoreFamily means and includes any of its subsidiaries and associated company and their respective assigns and trading brands, Shore360 inc., ShoreSuite Net Inc. ShoreMarketing Inc. ShoreAgents, ShoreDigital and Jobs360.

Any reference in this application and or documentation to “ShoreFamily” or “organization” or “Company” pertains to one or all of the above brands.


ShoreFamily is deeply committed to operating our business with the highest standards of ethics and social responsibility. As a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company based in the Philippines, we acknowledge the global issue of modern slavery and recognize the significance of addressing and eradicating modern slavery in all its forms within our operations and supply chains.

Our Business

The ShoreFamily is a proud group of 100% Australian owned enterprises that offers specialized services which can support all corners of business. Services are available on a staff lease basis or to procure as comanaged specialized services for projects, campaigns, and part-time requirements. We are devoted to ensuring that our business operations are free from the taint of modern slavery.

Our Approach to Modern Slavery

In ShoreFamily Group, the risk of modern slavery is low as our recruitment, labor relations, procurement, and compliance processes are stringent and aligned with the local laws and regulations where we operate. We are committed to ensuring that human rights are not violated in any form, and we make every effort to uphold this commitment.

Our Commitment

ShoreFamily recognizes the significance of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and the Philippines RA 9208 Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 as amended by RA 10364 Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012) in the fight against modern slavery. We are unwavering in our commitment to ensuring that modern slavery has no place within our organization and that we actively contribute to the broader effort to eradicate it within our sphere of influence.

If we ever identify a potential modern slavery risk, we will promptly launch an investigation to address that risk as well as any related issues to it. Rest assure we will do everything reasonably possible to eliminate any modern slavery threat.

This statement is approved by Lee Shaddock and its board of directors, and we will periodically review and update it to reflect our continued efforts to prevent modern slavery.

Lee Shaddock

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